Naming Villains

Villains names are open-ended, the labels you input will be shown in hand histories.

Updating a Villain in Hand Setup

  1. Tap the player whose name you would like to Edit
  2. Change to the desired label
  3. Press Confirm.

Updating Multiple Villains:

  1. Tap the “Edit Seats/Sit Out” menu in the top left of Hand Setup.
  2. Once open, change any names that need updates
  3. Press the “Save” icon in the top right corner.
  4. Press the red X icon in the top left corner to return to Hand Setup.

1. We recommend labeling Villains with the best identifying information you have about them at the time, and updating as new information is learned. In some cases, that will be the Villain’s actual name or nickname.

2. For a total stranger you have never played with, your label might simply be based on appearance until you have more information than your first observation.

  • For example, you may initially name a villain Backpack bro, Old lady, Rolex guy, or an acronym like MAWG (Middle aged white guy).

3. For a player who you’ve started to learn about through observation of playing style, you can add to or replace their label to more accurately reflect what you now know. Here are some examples:

6. For villains you play with frequently, and have a good understanding of their experience and skill level, you may want to add to or replace their label accordingly. Some examples include: